Sober Companions confidentially and discreetly guide, support, and mentor clients who are in recovery, helping them to maintain sobriety and live happy, meaningful lives despite life’s challenges. They provide the one-on-one support, guidance, connection, motivation, and accountability that benefit clients in recovery. Sober Companions typically live with clients full-time for a period of two weeks to two years or more following residential treatment, as part of a treatment plan for those whom residential treatment is not an option, and during challenging and stressful times. From attending meetings, returning to school or work, and/or establishing healthy daily habits and routines, a Sober Companion is ever-focused on the client’s best interest – and helping them to stay sober throughout it all.

Breakthrough! Call us now for a highly confidential consultation & case evaluation at 1-866-567-7107 An experienced & Certified Case Manager is available at all times and will guide you or your loved one through the next steps toward recovery. Or, if you prefer, contact us confidentially & securely online.

Over 100 specialized Sober Companions of diverse backgrounds & specialities. Our companions are a diverse group and, like the clients we serve, come from a variety of background, experiences, and faiths. Such diversity allows us to individually and effectively pair clients with the best sober companion for them. Our sober companion team is comprised of nurses, actors, stunt actors, musicians, social workers, assistants, doctors, caretakers, mothers & fathers, teachers, life coaches, students, nutritionists, yoga teachers, personal trainers, bodyworkers, executives, entrepreneurs, artists, producers, animal lovers and trainers, sports professionals, bodyguards and more. While the occupations, personalities, and hobbies are unique to each recovery companion or sober coach, they all have lived successfully in recovery for many years, and are dedicated to discreetly helping our clients maintain sobriety and live healthy, meaningful and rewarding lives.